Friday, February 24, 2012

Women are inclined at particular risk of osteoporosis ...

In Canada, about one in four women and one in eight men over age 50 have osteoporosis. This disease can have devastating effects on people's lives, causing painful fractures, disability or deformity. Unfortunately, there are no obvious signs of warning to fractureoccurs. What is osteoporosis? Bone is living tissue, constantly updated through a natural process in which new bone replacing old bone. With age, this process becomes less effective, and we begin to gradually lose bone. In someone with osteoporosis, bone loss is faster, causing the bones are very thin and weak over time. When bones become severely weakened by osteoporosis, simple movements such as bending, to lift a heavy bag with products or sneeze by force could lead to fractures. Wrist, spine and hip fractures are the most common fractures associated with osteoporosis. Hip fractures associated with osteoporosis is a serious problem the elderly, leading to death in 20 percent of cases and disability in 50 percent of those who survived. After hip fracture, many older people can not live independently and may need care at home. Who is at risk? Women are inclined at particular risk of osteoporosis because of the important role played by the hormone estrogen meet their bones healthy. In menopause, estrogen levels fall dramatically, and many women experience accelerated bone loss. Although men generally have more bone mass than women, they are not insured. When they age, they also lose bone mass and must follow the lifestyle changes recommended to prevent or delay osteoporosis. Although no cause of osteoporosis have been identified some factors seem to play an important role in the development of disease (see

risk factors). If you have some of these risk factors, you should talk with your doctor about a bone density test and take preventive measures to reduce risk. This can prevent, delay or reduce bone loss through a healthy lifestyle. Some risk factors of higher risk than others. They are marked with *. slender, small bones ovarian

removed or menopause before the age of 45 *

excessive use of certain drugs (such as cortisone, prednisone, anticonvulsants) *

people over age 50 should be 1000 to lasix 7 mg 1500 mg of calcium daily. With age, your body does not absorb calcium, so it is very important for calcium rich foods in your diet. If you do not eat enough calcium rich foods, you may need calcium. Add a few tablespoons of milk powder to make your patties of beef, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, creamy soup and other pots (2 to 4 tablespoons)

Add Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, cheese cubes or dried figs in salads << Distribution >> molasses on bread or add to the beans. Replace morning coffee with milk cafe or hot milk chocolate ... Enjoy! Calcium is not easily digested without vitamin D. Sunlight is the main source of natural vitamin D. Most elderly do not get enough of this vitamin as a daily supplement of 400 to 800 IU may be recommended (especially in Canada where there is little, the intensity of the sun during the winter months). Your bones respond to increased activity, getting stronger. Regular weight-bearing activities such as dancing, walking, hiking and tennis recommended. In addition, exercises that improve balance and coordination (tai chi, swimming, and flexibility exercises) may help reduce falls and fractures. Keep experimenting until you find the activity that is right for you! Physical activity is good for bones! It helps you feel better and get more out of life. Smokers have a higher rate of bone loss and higher fracture risk than nonsmokers. Women who smoke also tend to enter menopause at a slightly younger age than nonsmokers. This leads to periods of rapid bone loss occurs at an earlier age. Beware of falling! If you are diagnosed with osteoporosis, it is time to put your security and personal needs first. Preventing falls and fractures should be the number one concern. Ask a physiotherapist or a specialist in occupational therapy to help you set exercise program tailored to your abilities and goals. Wear comfortable shoes that give good support and watch out for uneven surfaces, sidewalks and floors. Not too hurry to take the bus, answering a call or answer a call. Speed ​​may create more problems than it's worth. Reducing the risk of accidents in your home, making your home safe. Public Health Agency of Canada publishes valuable

secure living to help you make simple changes to help protect you from falling. In addition to taking bone healthy diet and lifestyle, some people may also require drug treatment for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Hormone supplements to replace the hormones that the ovaries stop women in menopause. By reducing estrogen levels fall, these supplements can prevent or correct bone loss. However, estrogen does not always fit. The decision to take or not take estrogen should be made with the doctor, taking your individual circumstances into account. Bisphosphonates, selective estrogen receptor modulators (eg raloksifen) or nasal calcitonin and other possible treatments that may be offered. If you suffer damage, the pain can be very sudden and intense. Recovery may take some time, but the intensity of pain, usually gradually decrease and eventually go away. Unfortunately, some suffer from osteoporosis will experience chronic pain. As chronic pain may be due to compression fractures of the spine or muscle spasms,

important that you get an accurate diagnosis to ensure appropriate, effective treatment.

how to build my immune system
Pain is the body's first signal urge you to participate in your health. You can do this by adjusting their activities and procedures, so you put your pain, not behind him. Apply ice and heat can help relieve pain. To apply the ice, try wetting a towel and freeze it. Soft cold compresses (or bag of frozen peas) also work well, adapting to the curves of the body. Heat can be applied using a hot water bottle, hot towels or hot packs. Be careful when applying heat or ice on burns can occur in any case. Painkillers (paracetamol and aspirin like drugs) are generally effective and well tolerated, but they have their limits. Your doctor can tell when and how treatment can be helpful. Treatment should only be part of your strategy for pain management. People experience pain differently as they react differently to treatment. Although there are no miraculous healing, positive thinking, relaxation, meditation, acupuncture, visualization

(transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) methods that were used for people living with chronic pain due to osteoporosis. Some methods will work for you and some not. Keep an open mind: Do not miss what may be useful. Help, support, direction and information may be obtained from Osteoporosis Canada

(Toronto). Valuable information about osteoporosis, nutrition and exercise can also be found online:

Our thanks to osteoporosis in Canada for his contribution in this Info-sheet. .

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