There is no cure for emphysema treatment. Treatment aims to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life. Quitting smoking slows progression of the disease. Doctors believe this is the most important aspect of treatment. Smoking cessation programs may include behavior changes and medications to help you gradually go down to zero cigarettes. Limiting the number of irritants in the air can help breathe more easily. Avoid smoke, dust, smog, heat or cold and high altitudes. Despite the lack of medicines actually treat emphysema, and various medications to help relieve the symptoms and deal with complications. These include:
oxygen is given in addition to the air taken into the body.
It can increase energy levels and heart and brain, increasing the amount of available oxygen. Because emphysema makes you prone to and the doctors recommend an annual flu shot. Make sure the Pneumococcal vaccine. Try to be around people who are sick. If you think you get the flu, contact your doctor. You may need to take antiviral drugs. Special exercises can strengthen chest muscles and breathe more easily. Physical activity builds endurance and improves quality of life. Follow your doctor's recommendations for activity levels and restrictions. Special breathing techniques and breathing exercises and incentive spirometry can not help more air into the lungs and force trapped air from the lungs. This technique, which uses a special technique of slapping the back and chest to ease the selection and special positioning to help easy drain. Maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight causes the lungs and heart work harder. Eat a healthy diet that contains little saturated fat and rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Eat several small meals throughout the day. It makes breathing easier. Avoid gas producing foods. Too full stomach pushes up the diaphragm, which encroaches on the space of the lungs. This makes it difficult to breathe. Drink fluids lasix to pass drug test to keep mucus thin. Select your tempo of its activities. Learn relaxation techniques and other methods to cope with stress. Seek emotional support from doctors, family and friends. may increase the frequency of respiration, making breathing more strenuous. Avoid situations that may lead to destruction of respiratory diseases. Be sure to get a flu vaccine every year. Avoid high altitudes and extreme temperatures. A small number of patients may benefit from surgery. The procedures used to treat emphysema include:If you are diagnosed with emphysema, follow the doctor. .
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