Is a common type of COPD, in which the air sacs or lungs, causing them to increase damage and explosion. Because air bags are cells in the lungs, where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged, damage in this area makes it difficult for people with emphysema to expel air from their lungs. This leads to the accumulation
in the body. Emphysema is irreversible, in the final stage of the process that develops slowly over many years lasix 40 mg ivp. Currently there is no cure, but treatment of emphysema can improve quality of life. Statistics in 2005 3. 8000000 people in the United States were diagnosed with emphysema. Of these 54. 4% of men and 45 years. 6% were women. The main reason: smoking, alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency and air pollution
Smoking remains a major cause of emphysema. Smoking damages the cilia in the lungs, which usually helps remove mucus and discharge. This creates a blockage in the airways. Cigarette smoke also causes inflammation and irritation in the lungs, leading to increased production of mucus. Too much mucus in the lungs puts you at increased risk of lung infections and mucus containing bacteria from the perfect escape from them. Take a step and come out today, joining in one of them also plays an important role in the development of emphysema. Like his colleagues damage of smoking, air pollution causes airway inflammation and irritation that eventually destroys healthy lung tissue. You may be surprised, however, know that even indoor air can be dirty. Learn steps >> << to reduce irritating the airways in your home. Although smoking and air pollution play a big role in their contribution to emphysema, a small percentage of people have a genetic predisposition to diseases associated with deficiency of the enzyme alpha-1-antitrypsin. Those who suffer >> << sensitive to stimuli in the environment, such as smoking, passive smoking, air pollution and allergens that eventually cause symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease such as emphysema. Finally, those who suffer from emphysema may progress to respiratory failure that occurs after a slow, insidious process of the disease. To learn more about your specific symptoms, visit Fr. com interactive tool to help you better understand your symptoms. Reported symptoms and patient history of initial keys for examination. Diagnostic tests include:
The main goal of treatment of emphysema is to improve the quality of life, slow disease progression and treatment of respiratory tract to facilitate their obvious lack of oxygen. Treatment includes:
No other preventive media factor more weight than in the prevention and treatment of emphysema. Many options are available for smokers struggling to quit on their own. C, counseling and support groups, smoking can become a thing of the past for people with a strong desire to positive lifestyle changes. However with emphysema trouble understanding? See A. informative, in com
For more information on quitting smoking, visit
COPD or at. com in
National Center for Health Statistics, 2005. Naked, Brenda G. and Smeltzer, Suzanne C. (1996). Brunner and Suddarth Textbook of medical and surgical care (8th edition). Philidelphia, Pennsylvania: Lippinkott-Raven Publishers. . << >>
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