In broad terms, metabolic disease is any disease that is caused by abnormal chemical reactions in cells of the body. Most of the violations related or abnormal levels of enzymes or hormones or problems with the functioning of these enzymes or hormones. During exchange of body chemicals is blocked or defective, it can lead to accumulation of toxic substances in the body or defect substances necessary for normal body, each of which can lead to serious symptoms. Some metabolic diseases are transmitted by inheritance. These are called congenital metabolic disorders. When children are born, they tested many of them in the screening of newborns. Many congenital metabolic disorders can lead to serious complications and even death if they are not controlled through diet or medication from an early age. G6PD deficiency: glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is just one of many enzymes that play an important role in the metabolism of cells. G6PD made of red blood cells (RBCs) and helps the body digest carbohydrates. Without enough normal G6PD to help red blood cells handle certain harmful substances, the cells may be damaged or destroyed, leading to hemolytic anemia. In a process called hemolysis of red blood cells being destroyed prematurely, and bone marrow (soft, spongy part of the bone that produces new blood cells) may not be able to produce enough new red blood cells. Children with a deficit H6FD may be pale and tired and have a rapid heartbeat and breathing. They may also have enlarged spleen or jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes). G6PD deficiency is usually the termination of treatment by medication or treatment of disease or infection that causes stress in erythrocytes. Halaktozemyya: children born with this inborn error of metabolism lacking galactose, the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar produced in the liver. If the liver does not produce enough galactose, the enzyme accumulates in the blood and can cause serious health problems. Symptoms usually appear during the first days of life and include vomiting, swollen liver and jaundice. If not diagnosed halaktozemyya and treated quickly, it can cause liver, eye, kidney and brain damage. Hyperthyroidism: This is when the thyroid gland hyperactivity produces a lot of the hormone thyroxine, which increases the BMR. It causes symptoms such as weight loss, increased heart rate and blood pressure, bulging eyes and swelling in lasix 60 mg the neck by an enlarged thyroid gland (goiter). This disease can be controlled with medication or with surgery or radiation therapy. Hypothyroidism: This is when the thyroid gland or absent (due to development problems or thyroid disease) causes the release of too little hormone thyroxine, which lowers the BMR. If left untreated, this condition can lead to stunted growth and mental development of infants and young children. Hypothyroidism slows body processes and causes fatigue, rare pulse, excessive hike in weight, and constipation. Children and adolescents with this condition can be treated with oral thyroid hormone. Phenylketonuria: Also known as PKU, this is due to defective enzyme that breaks down the amino acid phenylalanine. This amino acid is required for normal growth in children and for normal protein. However, if too much accumulates in the body, brain tissue affected and mental retardation occurs. Early diagnosis and dietary restriction of amino acids may prevent or reduce the severity of these complications. Diabetes Type 1: This occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin provides. Symptoms of this disease include excessive thirst and urination, hunger, weight loss. In the long run, it can cause kidney problems, pain due to nerve damage, blindness and heart and blood vessels. Children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes must receive insulin injections and control blood sugar levels to reduce the risk of complications. Type 2 diabetes: This occurs when the body can not properly respond to insulin. Symptoms similar to those of type 1 diabetes. Many children who develop type 2 diabetes are overweight, and it is believed to play an important role in their decreased sensitivity to insulin. Some of them can be successfully treated with diet changes, exercise and oral medication, but insulin injections necessary in other cases. Controlling blood sugar levels reduces the risk of the same long-term health problems that occur with type 1 diabetes. Name of.
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